CH (pending)
(Phoenix X Gamora)
1x Res CH (junior)
1st place MN State Fair
3x GCH (milking)
Sil is our first kid from Phoenix. She has lots of practice at shows, as she was on the road with mom at a month old. She eked out a reserve as a junior and was our highest placing milking yearling through the 2022 season.
In 2023 she whooshed into the ring, starting the year out with 1st out of her class of 16. By June 2023 she finished her permanent championship as a 2 year old, so now retires to champion challenge classes. Yay Sil!
We'll take buck reservations on Sil for 2024, planned breeding to Marran Danae Stevie Ray with backup to Lee, our Vicco son. Let's go black!
Sil is confirmed by U/S to Marran Danae Stevie Ray, due in early April. Second buck reservation is open, we're keeping the first one ourselves. UPDATE-this girl looks huge, twins, really? We'll see. UPDATE AGAIN-nope, quads. 2B, 2D. We got our heir and a spare plus a couple of princesses. Reach out if you're interested in a nicely bred buck kid with CH top and bottom, including GCH at MN State Fair with a dash of Kastdemur's Stingray. Here's the pedigree
2025 Breeding: Tempo Evan, confirmed and due in late Feb. Guessing Feb 28. And looks like a lot, we'll see if I'm right. 1 buck reservation still available.
(Our Caspian X Lady)
1x GCH @ 10 wks old
GCH 2021 MN State Fair
1X GCH, 1x Res CH - milking 2 y.o.
1st place Produce of Dam, 2023 MN State Fair (with Lyra)
Capella was our first Our Caspian kid on the ground, and did not disappoint, getting her dry leg first time out as a littly. She "retired" until being brought out for State Fair where she again went GCH. She lost her babies early on in 2022 so stayed home the whole season as she didn't need any more dry wins.
In 2023 she gave us big twin does and landed in the hospital in respiratory distress. Turned out ok, but was a bit of a scare with no real explanation.
She's hit the show ring in 2023 staying near the top in large 2 YO classes including 1st and 1st udder at Mid-Minnesota Classic show. As the season wore on and she gained weight back, she did 4 consecutive 1st places at 2 shows and got a GCH and Res CH. 1 more leg to go.
2024 planned breeding AI to Marran Danae Stevie Ray, backup Eclipse. We will take buck reservations on Capella, but likely retaining first one ourselves.
Capella skunked us in 2024 so she's fired from AI.
2025 Breeding: Sil's son Dauntless, due in March
(Valentino X Laramie)
1x Res CH
A very unexpected purchase of a 2021 spotlight sale doe kid. Luna captured our hearts with a type and temperament that defines our herd goals and we're eager to plug her in, hoping to cross a son into our other doe lines, plus build another. We did use her first son, Titan, on around half the herd for 2023 kids.
In June 2023 Luna gave us a beautiful sundgau baby boy, Lunar Eclipse. He is the spitting image of our dear New Caspian who sired him through the magic of AI, and we'll use him to circle back on those well loved genetics. Luna will head back in to the show ring late summer.
2024 planned breeding AI to The M*L Colorado Taze, backup Lee. We will take buck reservations on Luna.
Luna is confirmed by U/S to Lee for Feb kids. I tried her AI once, but needed to get some early kids so live covered her. 2nd buck reservation is avail on her. UPDATE--Luna had triplet does, so will carry over that buck reservation to next year.
2025 Breeding: Sil's son Dauntless, due in February.
(Phoenix X Lady)
1x GCH (1x BIS)
1x Res CH
1st place Produce of Dam, 2023 MN State Fair (with Capella)
We always love our Lady daughters, and Lyra began her show career going Best in Show during her first outing at 10 weeks old. She's benched now until freshening or to round out groups and other special occasions.
Lyra started 2023 show season at the Tri-State classing going 1st in all three rings. At the Mid-Minnesota Classic show she picked up several 1st udder awards in her yearling class.
Diana keeps changing the breeding schedule on me - currently 2024 planned breeding to Tempo Evan for fun, otherwise she'll go to Eclipse which will be a bit reminiscent of Capella with the degree of linebreeding. UPDATE--so you can see how indecisive we are this year (we are not alone in that) - our friend has graciously offered a driveway date with his new buck Goat-San Venom OG. Friends are awesome! Planned pedigree here.
Update - Lyra driveway bred to Venom and is due in early May. AANDD--2D 1B. Buck is available, real flashy boy. Pedigree here.
2025 Breeding: Sil's son Dauntless
(Tempo Evan X Luminous)
Rhyannon was a late kid and went 1st place her first show out. She'll be held dry for 2023. EDIT 6/27 -- but she quite wants to milk, like her sister, she is precocious. Luminous was quite a good milker, so may be getting this from mom.
Rhyannon was shown some as a dry yearling and placed top 3 generally, but was left home for the latter part of the season in favor of Aurora.
Rhy kidded triplets in 2024, though 2 DOA and 1 buck that she raised well. He was very polite and nursed on both sides very nicely.
She was shown and placed in the top third most times. I like this doe a lot, particularly her improved feet and legs and she got the highest rear udder heigh score in the herd. I think she'll continue to bloom out as a 3 year old.
2025 Breeding: Lyra's son Allegro to firm up that front end. Due in April.
(Ajax X Molly)
4x Res CH
1x GCH
1st place 2022 Wisconsin State Fair
Aurora was a tiny little thing at birth but really worked hard to grow-grow-grow! She has gotten one Res CH so far and will stay on the road until she understands the assignment. EDIT-- this doe took 3x ResCH LOL, I really shouldn't make trite posts like that. She did appear to do something right as she is bred AI to Vicco for March kids :) EDIT again--Ok, she lost these kids at 100 days. Darn. Two buck kids so could have been worse. No udder, so she'll have another go as a dry yearling. I'm done!
UPDATE - She finally did it and got her dry leg!! This girl did not make it easy, getting yet another reserve before she went all the way. She's a really impactful doe who is so eye catching in the ring. She'll be seen at fair shows only going forward.
2025 Breeding: Sil's son Dauntless, due in February. Same doe line, but didn't turn out to be too terrible close.
(Titan X Capella)
1x GCH
Astra is our most powerful kid this year, she and her twin sister Sahara born big and Astra just stayed that way. She was a bit of a noodle as a younger kid with a very large frame, but did scratch out a 1st place in one ring at her first show in May at 8 weeks old. She got her dry leg at around 4 months old as she grew into herself and sprouted a barrel. We expect her to be a very large doe but she is cuddly as can be with a very sweet and calm temperament.
She is a Titan daughter, so very excited to see Luna/Phoenix on this daughter of Capella. We may try her AI to The M*L Colorado Taze, if not, she'll go to Eclipse. She is a no brainer to freshen as a yearling at her size.
Astra kidded in with twin bucks. She is our favorite yearling this year, firmly on the keeper list and just full of potential. Her udder was itty bitty with a May freshening but we're all sorts of excited for her, a worthy Capella daughter.
2025 Breeding: Sil's son Dauntless
(Titan X Capella)
1x Res CH
Sahara is littermate sister to Astra, and personally the one I like better, but no judge seems to think so because she's never gone above her sis - including taking her reserve to Astra. She fought off some gunk for like a month, just kind of under the weather. All fine now, but it put her some behind. So, she scores staying dry where I would have thought she would be freshened since she was just as big a kid as her sister.
I do think the year will do her good though, and look forward to bringing her to shows as a dry yearling.
Sahara grew into a massive dry yearling and placed a few time 2nd in those big classes. We're really excited to see how she freshens, as mom Capella and littermate sister Astra are some of our favorites.
2025 Breeding: Our Caspian, her grandfather. I just had a feeling on this cross and excited to see what this brings. Due in April because she had pokey heats.
(Titan X Sil)
2x Res CH
Toast, the amazing color changing kid - is a warm chocolate brown when full coat, but black when shaved. She started the year out going under Astra, but as time went on, she sailed past her by the end of the season. She is a flashy little thing with a beautiful escutcheon and as she's grown really catches your eye in the pen.
We'll keep showing her to see if she can knock out that dry leg in the end, as she just has a reserve so far (UPDATE-mission accomplished, she got her dry leg at the Caledonia show), but she will be bred to freshen as a yearling as she is growing well (aka getting fat) and her dam did fine with it.
Toast freshened with twins as a yearling sired by Eclipse. She spent the year a little knocked down, so after attending a show early on we left her home to get condition. She comes into the fall nicely rounded out with her mom's big barrel and depth.
Photo update - Toast mainly stayed back her yearling year getting condition back. However, she gets a gold star because she kept me in milk longest, just drying off now at the end of January. Here she is on the stand looking nice and shiny.
2025 Breeding for Toast: Lee, due end of March/early April. Let's see if she does quads on top of this, as is her heritage from the Gamora doe line.
(Vicco X Lady)
Ladyhawke was Lady Slipper's final doe kid and was sired by Kastdemur's Vicco. Lday died shortly after Ladyhawke was born, so she was raised by her Grandmother Gambit who kindly adopted her and her brother Lee.
She was a very unusual kid (and chamoisee to boot, her mother never did that before). didn't seem to get it together. But as a yearling she came into herself a bit more, having an unusually wide and level rump, probably the best in the herd. It's pretty incredible.
We took her out to a couple of shows, fully expecting her performance to be less than spectacular, but were pleasantly surprised when she was able to take top third at least in the dry yearling class.
This is the best photo I embarrassingly have of her, getting ready for Minnesota State Fair this year. Wouldn't it be funny if she's the best 2 year old once she's fresh. She does seem to be budding a socked on little udder, but time will tell.
2025 Breeding: Our Caspian, due in March. I'm really excited to see his high headedness and height on this doe.
(Lee X Luna)
1x GCH
2024 Nationals 6th place Intermediate kid
Callie was a big, big kid at birth who was flashy and strong right away. She got her dry leg early on, and was our highest placing Lamancha at nationals.
She's just pretty straightforward! We're keeping her dry her yearling year.
(Lee X Luna)
Umbra is the other doe kid out of Luna this year - now for those who side-eyed us about buying a white doe, look how fast you can get to black ;)
Umbra wasn't quite so competitive as her sister Callie, but we did get a lot of compliments on her for her presence. I particularly like her big eschetcheon and high headed carriage which really comes through in this photo.
Umbra is bred to Lyra's boy Allegro who will reinforce that flash up front. This is going to be a neat and probably colorful cross! She is due in latter half of April for some junior babies perhaps for nationals.
(Lee and Molly)
8th place March kid 2025 ADGA nationals
Oh I just love me a snappy sundgau, and Sierra sure fits the bill. She is a handful like her mother Molly, but she does grab attention. At nationals she stood in 10th and scratched her way up to 8th before the ring was done. Little fighter.
She's staying dry and dominating the pen she's in, true to her mom. As you can tell, I have a soft spot for this one. It's hard not to, Molly threw 5 daughters with such elegant front ends, they are just a lot of fun to lead around the ring. Real nice consistency on that trait in this line and it sends them to the top quite often.
(Stevie Ray X Sil
12th place Junior Kid 2025 ADGA nationals
Nightshade was one of quads we got AI from Marran Danae Stevie Ray on Sil. This girl is CH top and bottom. She is turning into a very powerful doe and I'm really excited to see what that udder looks like off that buck. We're using her brother Dauntless a ton this year, so she'll be an auntie plus a momma in 2025.
She is bred to Lyra's boy Allegro, again a lot of color coming here I bet, and a silky front end with hopefully that socked on fore that is on both mom and grandma.
(Eclipse X Gambit)
11th place Junior kid 2025 ADGA Nationals
Bittersweet, but such a comfort to get this last doe out of Gambit before she succumbed to cancer. This girl is Gambit II and I feel so lucky to have gotten a sweet natured, strong daughter as Gambit's final gift.
I cannot believe how tall this girl is getting. She is getting that from her sire Eclipse, who is a Luna son but also sired by our New Caspian long gone but the magic of AI. This doe is very exciting to me and will freshen in May.
Plot twist, I did a split breeding on her. I wanted her on Our Caspian, who was a massive mature buck. She was not into it at all, but I thought he probably got her. Being so late in the season though, I also let her have a spin with Lee who she really liked. I'll DNA the kids if any does to confirm paternity. Wouldn't it be neat to get both?
She's due in May.
(Lee X Rhaenys)
The product of a couple of generations of AI, her sire is a Vicco son and her dam is a Tempo Evan daughter. We did sell her mom along with her sister, but retained this one as our keeper.
She is named for her grandmother, with my hope that she reincarnated. Luminous became quite weak carrying quads year before last and we lost her the next day. It was heartbreaking how hard she worked to carry that large litter and it haunts me that I just watched the light go out of her eyes when the vet was here trying to save her. We never really figured it out, ketosis, milk fever, etc. I can tell you, she was a producer who milked her heart out and gave me so much in her short life.
Lu Too has a mohawk cowlick on the back of her head which I find quite endearing. Beyond that, she has her mother's lovely front end and her sire's big scoopy back end, so I got what I wanted on this cross.
I promised never to breed does in this line as yearlings again, so Lu Too remains dry. She didn't make it to the show ring with a lot of peers getting in ahead of her, but we're watching her for a potential dry yearling.
Photo is of her mom Rhaenys, now placed in another nice herd with her other daughter. I'll get one of Lu Too in the summer I'm sure.
(Lee X Gamora)
When Gamora was PG with this group and utterly miserable - I don't think she even slept for a week, there was no relief to be had for what turned out to be sextuplets - I promised her I would name a doe kid Misery.
First one out that night was my little doe kid, coming tiny little tail first, just riding a wave of contractions. I don't think Gamora even pushed for that birth, it was like they were riding the waves out. Six perfect little babies, all healthy and vigorous. It's something I will never forget.
She joins maternal sister Sill as Gamora's progeny here. Though they were all normal sized, I think being a sextuplet gives you the right to be a dry yearling. She showed reasonably well garnering at least one first place that I recall. Otherwise very respectable. She may take a spin as a dry yearling, she is a fancy kid.
(Lee X Gamora)
To continue the sextuplet story started on Misery's description, there were 4 brothers between these two doe kids. We got to quints and I could hardly believe it, then I fished in because why not - and felt hocks. Out came this sputtering little adorable demon who had been impatiently waiting her turn.
Six is an extraordinary kid to my eyes. Her escutcheon is very eye catching. She didn't see the ring until the end of the season, and similar to her sister, got one first place that I recall at one of the multi ring shows. These girls are not completely similar, but I do have trouble telling them apart with their identical solid black color. The whole litter was that way with the exception of one sundgau brother.
In any case, same story as Misery. She's earned a dry year and may see the ring next year. She's always the one jumping on my back in the pen, too.
(Tempo Evan X Luminous)
Rhaenys was a late kid and went 2nd place her first show out. She'll be held dry in 2023 but she sure wants to be a momma! EDIT 6/27 -- and sure wants to milk, she's got a full on precocious udd.
Rhaenys was not shown as a dry yearling in 2023. She may be offered for sale after fresh in 2024.
2024 planned breeding to Lee to add some power on this one. UPDATE--2D 1B. Rhaenys is real pretty and happy with how she turned out, proudly offered her for sale and we'll retain a daughter. Rhae is SOLD.
(Kastdemur's Vicco X Gambit)
Siri is like a little Gambit clone, though she's like Gambit on stilts I suppose coming from her sire. She is our closest line breeding on One*Oak*Hill Tumbleweed Talon, as her mother Gambit is our last daughter of our original buck Old Caspian who was a Talon son. Gambit is proving herself to be a sound, long-lived doe with great feet and legs - coming up at 7 years old, she still frisks in the pasture so is feeling good. Siri looks to have all the qualities that is giving her dam the longevity she is experiencing.
She is a strong, solid kid with a nice wide, level rump and scoopy escutcheon though didn't see the show ring much her first year, and when she did held middle of the class.
Siri kidded with twin does sired by Eclipse in 2024 and was sold into a very nice home with one of her daughters.
(Robin X Gamora)
*M (pending)
1st place Produce of Dam MN State Fair (with Sil)
Lamancha Champion Milker, 2023 WI State Fair
Molly has tons of general appearance, probably best bone and front end in the herd. Her dry and milking placings have ranged, often top 3, but sometimes she turtles out a little bit.
At 3 years old, Molly has a good mammary and is a large and productive doe, but the rump angle precludes competitive show ring placings. She is for sale, but retained if she doesn't find another home. I won't say no to more kids like Aurora. UPDATE--and Nyx - Molly's 2023 daughter Nyx repeated her big sister's performance her first year at WI State Fair scoring a first place. These are 2 different sires, so Molly really does shine as a brood doe. She also qualified for her *M at the 1-day test at 2024 WI State Fair, milking over 10 lbs on verified test.
2024 breeding planned to Lee, quite excited to see that cross. UPDATE--Molly kidding with triplet does! This puts us at 5 daughters of Molly in the barn - we're keeping 2 and Molly herself is pending. 2 doe kids available offered first to our buyer's list.
(Old Caspian X Elphaba)
1x Res CH (milking)
1st place mother/daughter, 2022 MN State Fair (with Lady)
Lamancha Champion Milker, 2022 WI State Fair
Gambit is a favorite, good mother, steady temperament, who made the evening news for having a Minnesota-shaped spot! In 2022 she volunteered to help raise herdmate Gamora's quads and she went Res CH at the Best of the Midwest show.
In 2023 Gambit gave us a beautiful doe kid sired by Kastdemur's Vicco. She also adopted her grandbabies after their mother died.
Gambit hates going on the road at this point, though she went out with a bang with a milking reserve and a milking competition plaque - but no, she says she's retiring to give us her single kid every year and adopt anyone who needs it. She just wants to be a momma now.
2024 planned breeding to Eclipse to try make ourselves another Lady with a dash of Luna. She made a lil doe kid Mesabi off this who we'll be freshening in 2025.
2025 Planned Breeding: RPS Acres Caspian, a repeat of the breeding that made Lady's Slipper
Click here to see the original mamas who made each of our doe lines.
(Heartbreaker x Barbara Ann)
2x Res CH
My mother maintains a micro Nubian herd here. This is Lacey, who is starting out the year with pretty solid placings including Res CH in both rings at Best of the Midwest show.
Lacey gave us a real nice single buck kid sired by Lakeshore ACE Constellare (son of 2015 national Res CH and Best udder Bellissima) in 2022, For 2023 she is bred to Blissberry PA Have Mercy, due in May - update, 2 doe kids, retained; 1 buck kid, working in another herd.
For 2024, Lacey is bred AI to DKGH CANDYMAN ROCKIN' EVEREST, all reservations for 2024 are full. We'll repeat this in 2025 universe willing, as well as using this buck on her 2 2023 daughters by Blissberry PA Have Mercy. UPDATE--We got our princess! We knew it was a single by ultrasound and so happy we got a doe kid! 2024 buck reservation was moved to 2025, as we'll keep repeating this AI.
(DKGH Candyman Rockin Everest X Lacey)
1x Res CH
4th Place Junior Kid 2025 ADGA Nationals
1st place Minnesota State Fair
2nd place Wisconsin State Fair
Here's the little girl I've been waiting 5 years for. When Lacey takes driveway breed, it's triplets. When AI twice now, it's a single. This was my year the single was finally a doe. I called her Princess because she just was.
She was a later junior kid, so wasn't shown the whole season - in fact I think she made her debut at nationals in July where she went 4th place. She was competitive at the state fairs we attend where the classes are large, getting a 1st and 2nd place, and scratched out a reserve in one ring at the Caledonia show where there were 49 Nubian kids, so quite the group.
She's dry. And bubble wrapped. And has sisters on the way hopefully. Lacey isn't getting any younger, but she took on the same AI for 2025. Yay Mom!
(New Caspian X Gambit)
1x GCH
2x Res CH/1 milking
1st place 2018 MN State Fair
1st place mother/daughter, 2022 MN State Fair (with Gambit)
Lady inherited her mother's temperament and general appearance, but has a longer, taller body style. I am always proud to bring this doe into the ring, maintaining higher placings and one Res CH as a milker so far. She has thrown 2 daughters with different bucks who have gotten dry legs - both first time out at 10 weeks old - following up with GCH at MN state fair for one daughter, and BIS first time out on the other. These daughters have freshened into competitive does, in 2023 placing first many times in large classes with a GCH and Res CH to her 2 year old daughter so far.
In 2023 Lady gave us buck/doe twins sired by Kastdemur's Vicco but she didn't survive. There will never be another like her.
Our hearts are broken.
(New Caspian X Chimera)
2x GCH (1x BIS)
2x ResCH/1 milking
Gamora catches your eye and was our very first BIS win as a March kid. With Gambit's help, she is successfully raising quads in 2022 and is maintaining good show performance as a working mother, going Res CH at 2022 Best of the Midwest show.
In 2024 Gamora had sextuplets, holy wowza! All nice sized and healthy, and right at 146 days. Such a good girl. Look for Misery and Six at the spring shows :)
Gamora wasn't knocked down by carrying those sextuplets but unfortunately succumbed to mastitis some months later. She had very high production and her quality of life wasn't good, so we sent her on peacefully. We'll never forget our first Best in Show, and the amazing experience with the sextuplets. She also made our first finished champion Sil, and her son Caspian sired another knockout Capella.
Her ashes are laid to rest next to Lady's outside the barn door. All I could think to put on her gravestone was,
Thank You, Beautiful Girl
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